


所有对 StyleX 的调用都需要安装运行时软件包包。

npm install --save @stylexjs/stylex


The recommended way to use StyleX in development and production is with the build-time compiler. This can be done with any bundler that supports Babel, using the metadata generated by the StyleX plugin. See the API reference for more details on the @stylexjs/babel-plugin API.

To make this easier for commonly used packages and meta-frameworks, StyleX provides a PostCSS plugin. StyleX also provides (experimental) plugins for Webpack, Rollup, Next.js and esbuild.


PostCSS is the more versatile way to integrate StyleX into your project. Create a postcss.config.js file in your project root and add the StyleX plugin to it.

npm install --save-dev @stylexjs/postcss-plugin @stylexjs/babel-plugin
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'@stylexjs/postcss-plugin': {
include: [
// any other files that should be included
// this should include NPM dependencies that use StyleX
useCSSLayers: true,
autoprefixer: {},

You must also configure the .babelrc file for StyleX to work as expected. Please see the Babel plugin API reference for more details.

module.exports = {
presets: [
plugins: [
dev: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
test: process.env.NODE_ENV === "test",
runtimeInjection: false,
genConditionalClasses: true,
treeshakeCompensation: true,
unstable_moduleResolution: {
type: "commonJS",

Finally, ensure that your app imports a global CSS file that includes the following declaration:


The PostCSS plugin will replace the delaration with the generated StyleX styles. Make sure that you only include this declaration once in your app.

npm install --save-dev @stylexjs/rollup-plugin
import stylexPlugin from '@stylexjs/rollup-plugin';

const config = {
input: './index.js',
output: {
file: './.build/bundle.js',
format: 'es',
// Ensure that the stylex plugin is used before Babel
plugins: [stylexPlugin({
// Required. File path for the generated CSS file.
fileName: './.build/stylex.css',
// default: false
dev: false,
// prefix for all generated classNames
classNamePrefix: 'x',
// Required for CSS variable support
unstable_moduleResolution: {
// type: 'commonJS' | 'haste'
// default: 'commonJS'
type: 'commonJS',
// The absolute path to the root directory of your project
rootDir: __dirname,

export default config;
npm install --save-dev @stylexjs/webpack-plugin
const StylexPlugin = require('@stylexjs/webpack-plugin');
const path = require('path');

const config = (env, argv) => ({
entry: {
main: './src/index.js',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, '.build'),
filename: '[name].js',
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: 'babel-loader',
plugins: [
// Ensure that the stylex plugin is used before Babel
new StylexPlugin({
filename: 'styles.[contenthash].css',
// get webpack mode and set value for dev
dev: argv.mode === 'development',
// Use statically generated CSS files and not runtime injected CSS.
// Even in development.
runtimeInjection: false,
// optional. default: 'x'
classNamePrefix: 'x',
// Required for CSS variable support
unstable_moduleResolution: {
// type: 'commonJS' | 'haste'
// default: 'commonJS'
type: 'commonJS',
// The absolute path to the root directory of your project
rootDir: __dirname,
cache: true,

module.exports = config;
npm install --save-dev @stylexjs/esbuild-plugin
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
import stylexPlugin from '@stylexjs/esbuild-plugin';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';

const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));

entryPoints: ['src/index.js'],
bundle: true,
outfile: './build/bundle.js',
minify: true,
plugins: [
// If set to 'true', bundler will inject styles in-line
// Do not use in production
dev: false,
// Required. File path for the generated CSS file
generatedCSSFileName: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build/stylex.css'),
// Aliases for StyleX package imports
// default: '@stylexjs/stylex'
stylexImports: ['@stylexjs/stylex'],
// Required for CSS variable support
unstable_moduleResolution: {
// type: 'commonJS' | 'haste'
// default: 'commonJS'
type: 'commonJS',
// The absolute path to the root of your project
rootDir: __dirname,

请参阅 StyleX 示例应用程序, 以了解如何使用这些插件。



不要在生产环境中使用 @stylexjs/dev-runtime。它的性能代价很高, 因此只能用于不使用编译器的本地开发环境。 与使用编译器相比,时该运行时缺少某些功能。

如果想要在不配置编译器和构建流程的情况下使用 StyleX, 可以安装本地开发运行时。

npm install --save-dev @stylexjs/dev-runtime

接下来你需要配置运行时并获得一个 StyleX 对象,你就可以在其余代码中通过这个返回的对象 调用 StyleX 的 API 了。

import makeStyleX from '@stylexjs/dev-runtime';

export const stylex = makeStyleX({
classNamePrefix: 'x',
dev: true,
test: false,

使用 ESLint 捕获错误

StyleX 编译器不会校验你的样式代码,因此会编译出许多无效的代码。 因此,在编写样式时,你应该使用 ESLint 插件来捕获 这些编码上的错误。

npm install --save-dev @stylexjs/eslint-plugin
module.exports = {
plugins: ["@stylexjs"],
rules: {
"@stylexjs/valid-styles": "error",
'@stylexjs/no-unused': "error",
'@stylexjs/valid-shorthands': "warning",
'@stylexjs/sort-keys': "warning"